Introduction, Subjects and Functions  

The Ministry of Women and Child affairs was established by the Special Gazette No. 2403/53 of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and dated 27.09.2024. 

The main function and tasks of the Ministry are as follows.

Compilation, implementation, follow-up and evaluation of policies, programs and projects related to the subjects of Women and Child Affairs the subjects of the departments and statutory institutions and government corporations affiliated to the ministry based on the national policies implemented by the government.

·       Provisions of public services under the purview of the Ministry in an efficient and people friendly manner.

·    Reforming all systems and procedures using modern management techniques and technology, thus ensuring that the functions of the ministry are fulfilled while eliminating corruption and waste.

·       Implementation of women’s charter.

·       Formulation and implementation of strategies to enhance women’s participation and representation in decision making in sate affairs and the political field.

·       Adoption of necessary measures for empowerment of women affected by conflict and poverty.

·       Strengthening and Implementation of laws and politics for the prevention of women and child abuse.

·     Amending existing laws and formulation and implementing new laws and policies to prevent discrimination against women on the basis of sex and gender.

·       Formulation and implementation of policies and programmes for the empowerment of women headed households.

·       Accomplishment of Sustainable development Goals in relation to women and child affairs.

·       Formulation, implementation of national policy for per schools.

·     Formulation of policies and programme on early childhood protection and development aimed at bringing up physically and mentally healthy children.

·      Development and implementation of programme and projects in line with international standards to protect the right of vulnerable children.

·       Implementation of children’s Charter.

·       Regulation child care Center.

·       Implementation of the Sevana Sarana Foster-Parent Scheme.

·       Providing financial assistance for development the skill of exceptionally talented children.